is Heart Month!
“The Heart Mart” a member of the CARDIOVMEDS Grop of companies chose to give
love by giving back to the Down Town community on Valentines Day February 14,
with Corporate Jamaica, the Jamaica
Constabulary Force, Community Saftey Division from the Central Police Station
under the managament of Sergeant Jerr Johnson the CARDIOVMEDS Group held their
Annual Skip A Thon under the theme “TAKE IT TO HEART: SKIP TO BETTER HEALTH”
Activities for the day saw over 200 Skippers participating.
All skippers received free cardiac screening
Blood sugar testing
Free Vision Testing by the Comprehensive Eye Care Clinic
Free medical check up by volunteer doctor, Dr. Danique
It was really a heart warming affair to see the police
shuttling the elderly to the CARDIOVMEDS Groups 143 King Street, location. Both the young at heart and a few elederly
participated in the skipping
Certificates and care packages were handed out to all the
elderly and skippers
The CARDIOVMEDS Group says a big thank you to all their
corporate sponsors and the Jamaica Constabulary Force, The volunteer nurses
from Career Academy , all other volunteers and staff who contributed to our
National Bakery
J & E Industries
Food For The Poor
RJR Gleaner Group
Chas E. Ramson
Chungs Catering
GDI Distributor
Recharged Distributors RDL
Grace Kennedy
Catherine's Peak
McCall's Bulk Wine & Syrup

~Remember to protect your heart by exercising and eating right.
Please see below some of the
benefits of skipping.

Improves Heart Rate.. Skipping is one of the best form of cardio exercises, which
contributes to a healthy heart
2. Tones Muscles in Lower and Upper Body..Skipping tones the muscle in your legs and lower body
3. Best Tool for Weight Loss…Bouncing rope for 30 minutes can burn roughly 300 calories 1
1b off per week.
4. Improve the Skin..
Increases blood circulation in the body, providing nutrients to the skin and
flushing out toxins
5. Keeps a Check on Osteoporosis.. By Improving Bone Density
466+6. Helps Attain Balance, Coordination and Agility.. Skipping is best to improve footwork, balance and agility
7. Skipping is a Full Body Workout.. Lower body bouncing,
arms and shoulders, in motion, abdomen
8. Skipping helps in
Maintaining Your Body Posture.. Keeps a check on slumped
9. Skipping Improve Energy Levels..
- Skipping
improves endurance.. Heart healthy and is therefore good for
blood pressure patients.