TEE Probe Maintenance Tips: Identify TEE Probe Defects
Posted by Natasha Russell on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Under: TEE PROBE /ECHO
Tags: tee echo machine transoesophageal echo echocardiogram repair
Written By Jason Smith ,Axess
echocardiogram (TEE) probes tend to be “budget busters” when it comes to TEE probe repair or
replacement. TEE probes require constant inspection to ensure they aren’t in
need of repair and are performing at their peak.
Many TEE probe defects are so small they go
unnoticed by everyone handling the probe. In some cases, the smallest TEE probe
defects, like tiny holes or cracks, turn into the biggest TEE probe repairs. If
a bite guard isn’t used during a TEE probe procedure, a patient’s bite reflex
can leave cuts or holes in the bending rubber, covering the articulating
portion of the insertion tube. This can allow fluid to infiltrate into the
probe. Fluid in the TEE probe can then lead to corrosion throughout the
entire probe and ultimately require a complete probe rebuild. These holes
also greatly increase patient risk, related to electrical current leakage and
potential cross-contamination.
Not catching probe defects early, like the
ones listed above, leads to high priced probe repairs and/or replacements. In
some cases TEE probes can cost as much as $8,000 for probe repair and up to
$28,000 for a TEE probe replacement. And to think that bite holes can be
avoided by using a two dollar bite guard. It makes you wonder why they aren’t
used on every TEE probe procedure.
By understanding what TEE probe
defects to look for, you can start to identify common problems, like corrosion
in the steering control, crushed insertion tubes, bite marks in the insertion
tube or bending rubber, and damage to the tip or lens. Identifying these
issues early reduces your repair costs significantly and extends the life of
your TEE probe. For example, if you catch a hole in the bending rubber
early, you can fix it for around $1,000, but if you leave the probe defect
unattended, it will eventually lead to fluid in the TEE probe and a TEE probe
replacement costing as much as $28,000.
Just remember, little TEE probe defects don’t
get better with time - they only get bigger and more costly!
Check out some of the common TEE probe defects
we find at Axess Ultrasound and start your path to a proactive probe asset
management approach.
Natasha Russell |
Kingston, Jamaica |